Blog Archives

How to Write a Business Plan: A Guide for Self-employed Teachers, Tutors, Coaches, and Trainers

When I was a college student, I used to tutor a few kids in Japanese as a way of earning a bit of extra money. After about the third lesson, I realized that I had no idea what I was

Posted in Getting Started, Operating Your Business

What will you teach?

For many people, the hardest part of becoming a self-employed teacher is choosing what to teach. A skill inventory is a good first step.  Try answering these questions to uncover your hidden talents. 1. What activities or interests are you passionate

Posted in Getting Started

Create Systems

As you build your tutoring business, create a system for everything that matters. By creating a system, you eliminate the “brain space” needed to track the hundreds of details that keep your business running smoothly.  Good systems mean less time

Posted in Getting Started, Operating Your Business

How to Find Students

The secret to making money teaching for yourself is to have lots of students to teach. Everyone knows that. What most people don’t know is how to find those students. Almost every teacher I meet who is interested in teaching

Posted in Getting Started, Marketing, Sales

Step One: Choose to Start

What do I do first to start my teaching business? I get this question more than any other. It’s a good question. What do you do? Do you open a bank account? Do you buy an advertisement in the local

Posted in Getting Started