Blog Archives

Set Your Boundaries Early

When you are first starting up, you will feel that you need to do anything you can to accommodate your students’ needs. If you are not careful, you will end up with one student on Monday morning, another on Friday

Posted in Uncategorized

How to Find Students

The secret to making money teaching for yourself is to have lots of students to teach. Everyone knows that. What most people don’t know is how to find those students. Almost every teacher I meet who is interested in teaching

Posted in Getting Started, Marketing, Sales

Turn Your Service Into a Product

Students want to know what they are buying and what they will get for their money. If you tell them that you charge $25/hour, they will understand what they must pay you but nothing else. How many hours will they

Posted in Marketing, Pricing

Step One: Choose to Start

What do I do first to start my teaching business? I get this question more than any other. It’s a good question. What do you do? Do you open a bank account? Do you buy an advertisement in the local

Posted in Getting Started

Pricing for Small Groups

Determining pricing is never easy, and determining pricing for small groups can be especially challenging. There can be hidden costs with small groups, including printing/copying costs for materials, additional planning time, additional time spent grading student assignments, and time spent

Posted in Pricing