Blog Archives

How to Write a Business Plan: A Guide for Self-employed Teachers, Tutors, Coaches, and Trainers

When I was a college student, I used to tutor a few kids in Japanese as a way of earning a bit of extra money. After about the third lesson, I realized that I had no idea what I was

Posted in Getting Started, Operating Your Business

Three Essential Productivity Tips to Jump-start Mondays

You’ve just spent a relaxing and fulfilling weekend with your family and friends. You even capped it off with a Sunday-evening movie. You are feeling pretty good. Life is great. Then Monday comes… If you are a self-employed teacher or

Posted in Operating Your Business

Who stole my ambition?

Since I haven’t updated the SET blog since February, I thought this would be a good way to get started again. There comes a time in every entrepreneur’s life when everything that was once exciting, invigorating, and motivating becomes repetitive,

Posted in Operating Your Business

What if I get sick? – A Flu Season Survival Guide for Self-employed Teachers

Last week was bad. Really bad. I caught a really nasty bug that took me out for almost 7 days. That’s a long time for a self-employed teacher. If teaching and tutoring is your full-time job, 7 days is almost

Posted in Operating Your Business

The Puzzling Nature of Business

My wife and I just finished assembling a 1500 piece, black-and-white puzzle. Simultaneously frustrating and rewarding, the parallels to business are remarkable. Here is what I discovered: 1. Some pieces take a few seconds; other pieces can take a really,

Posted in Operating Your Business

How can I get my students to pay me on time?

All self-employed teachers like to get paid. So, what can you do to make sure that your students pay on time and how do you handle a student who has not paid his bill? We have found that the easiest

Posted in Operating Your Business

When to quit…

Have you heard this joke? Jesus walks into a bar. Bartender asks, “What can I get ya?” Jesus says, “Just water,” then winks and walks away. If only we, the self-employed teachers of the world, had the ability to turn

Posted in Operating Your Business

Be unproductive to be more productive

Preserve one day a week when you do not work. No email. No business-related social media. No planning. No accounting. Nothing. Get out of the house and do something else. Anything else. Or stay in and watch a few movies.

Posted in Operating Your Business

Making Decisions

I hate making decisions.  I once spent 10 minutes choosing the color of my undershirt, even though I wasn’t planning to leave the house. Sometimes it takes me a week to re-make a decision that I have already made. For me,

Posted in Operating Your Business

Don’t Let Your Feelings Run Your Business

Don’t be your worst enemy.  Don’t let your feelings get in the way of real progress on your business. Like many things in life, our business reality and the way we “feel” about our business are often not the same

Posted in Operating Your Business